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How Do You Remove Permanent Markers from Plastic?

14th Jun 2024

Removing permanent markers from plastic is difficult, but you can use simple items like alcohol and vinegar to help you. 

On second thought, do you want more tricks to remove it when you get ink on your plastic?

Continue reading to learn more ways to remove permanent ink from plastics.

How do I erase permanent marker stains?

Erasing permanent marker stains can be as simple as using household items. 

Take note: Be careful when using harsh chemicals because they can damage the plastic surface by melting it or distorting its colour. 

Here are some safe items and ways to remove permanent markers from plastic:

Use oil

Baby oil, coconut oil, and vegetable oil can be effective in removing markers from the plastic without causing damage. 

Add only a few oil drops to a cloth or cotton ball.

Then, continue gently rubbing the soaked area on the marker stain in a circular motion.

Lastly, make sure to wash the plastic with soap and water to remove any remaining oil.

Put baking soda

Just like Jyotie Sabharwal stated in her research, “baking soda can be used to clean almost anything.”. 

Baking soda is mildly abrasive, which makes it a safe choice to prevent damage to the plastic. 

Mix baking soda with water before applying it to the marker stain using a sponge or cloth. 

Fully rinse the plastic afterwards.

Use white vinegar

While the vinegar’s acid is weak, it is strong enough to remove the ink stain left by permanent markers.

Use a cloth or sponge soaked in white vinegar and lightly wipe off the marker’s ink.

Apply rubbing alcohol

Rubbing alcohol can remove permanent markers because it will re-dissolve the ink on the plastic.

It works because the permanent marker’s solvent is alcohol-based, which dissolves the ink within it until it is applied to a surface.  

Soak a cotton ball or cloth with rubbing alcohol and gently rub it into the marker stain till it wipes off.

Wash it with non-gel toothpaste

Like baking soda, this toothpaste contains mild abrasive chemicals to remove permanent marker stains without damaging the plastic. 

You should lightly scrub the toothbrush or cloth with a small amount of toothpaste to remove the ink. 

Here’s a video about How to Remove Permanent Marker from Plastic , hope it will be helpful.

You might also ask:

How do you remove permanent marker ink from your skin?

You can also remove permanent marker ink from your skin by applying simple household items, including:

  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Baby oil or olive oil
  • Toothpaste with baking soda
  • White vinegar with baking soda

Important Reminders:

Rub it gently to avoid irritating your skin, then moisturize the area.

If you have sensitive skin, make sure you test the items above on a small area to see if they cause irritation.

Removing Permanent Markers: Summary

Removing permanent markers’ ink can be frustrating for many of us, but there are safe ways to erase it, like using:

  • Baby oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Baking soda
  • Vegetable oil
  • White vinegar
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Non-gel toothpaste

Remember to try applying these different ways until you finally remove the permanent marker’s stain. 

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