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Quality Art Supplies List Used By Pro Artists

15th Apr 2024

Oil paints, acrylic paints, watercolor paints, charcoal, graphite pencils, pastels, canvas, brushes, palette knives, and easels are essential art supplies for professional artists. 

These art supplies list is crucial for creating high-quality artwork across various mediums and styles. 

Professional artists rely on top-quality materials to achieve their artistic vision and bring their creations to life with precision and finesse.

What materials do craft artists use?

Craft artists use a variety of materials including paper, fabric, wood, metal, clay, glass, and recycled materials. 

These materials are manipulated and transformed through techniques such as cutting, sewing, painting, sculpting, and assembling to create a wide range of artistic objects and designs. 

The choice of materials often depends on the artist’s preferred medium and the specific requirements of their craft projects.

Top 10 Art Supplies List Used by Pro Artists

#1. Oil Paints

Oil paints are favored by many professional artists for their versatility and rich, vibrant colors. 

They offer slow drying times, allowing for blending and layering techniques, making them ideal for creating detailed and textured artwork.

Popular brand: Winsor & Newton Artists’ Oil Color

#2. Acrylic Paints

Acrylic paints are popular among professional artists for their fast drying times and versatility. 

They can be used on various surfaces, including canvas, paper, wood, and fabric, and offer vibrant colors and excellent coverage. 

Acrylics can be thinned with water or mediums for transparent washes or layered for impasto effects.

Popular brand: Golden Heavy Body Acrylics

#3. Watercolor Paints

Watercolor paints are prized for their transparency and fluidity, allowing artists to create luminous washes and delicate details. 

They are commonly used by professional artists for landscape, portrait, and botanical paintings due to their soft and subtle effects.

Popular brand: Daniel Smith Extra Fine Watercolors

#4. Charcoal

Charcoal is a favorite medium for drawing and sketching among professional artists due to its rich, velvety texture and dramatic contrasts. 

It comes in various forms, including vine charcoal, compressed charcoal, and charcoal pencils, offering a range of tonal values and mark-making possibilities.

Popular brand: General’s Charcoal Drawing Set

#5. Graphite Pencils

Graphite pencils are essential tools for sketching, drawing, and shading. 

Professional artists use them for creating detailed and precise lines, as well as for blending and shading techniques. 

They come in various grades, from hard (H) to soft (B), allowing for a wide range of tonal values.

Popular brand: Faber-Castell 9000 Graphite Pencils

#6. Pastels

Pastels, both soft and oil, are beloved by professional artists for their vibrant colors and immediate application. 

They can be used dry for drawing and layering or wet for painting techniques, offering versatility and expressive possibilities.

Popular brand: Rembrandt Soft Pastels

#7. Canvas

Canvas is the preferred surface for painting among professional artists due to its durability and versatility. 

Stretched canvas provides sturdy support for oil, acrylic, and mixed media artworks, while canvas boards offer a portable option for plein air painting and studies.

Popular brand: Fredrix Gallery Wrap Canvas

#8. Brushes

High-quality brushes are indispensable tools for professional artists, allowing for precise control and varied mark-making. 

They come in various shapes and sizes, including rounds, flats, filberts, and liners, each serving different purposes in painting and drawing.

Popular brand: Escoda Versatil Synthetic Brushes

#9. Palette Knives

Palette knives are versatile tools used by professional artists for applying paint, creating texture, and mixing colors on the palette. 

They come in various shapes and sizes, allowing for both broad strokes and intricate details, and are particularly favored by artists working in impasto techniques.

Popular brand: RGM New Age Palette Knife

#10. Easels

Easels provide support and stability for artists while working on their artwork, allowing for comfortable and ergonomic positioning. 

Professional artists often invest in sturdy and adjustable easels to accommodate different canvas sizes and working preferences.

Popular brand: Sienna Plein Air Pochade Box Easel

Key Takeaway

Professional artists rely on a combination of traditional art supplies like paints, pencils, and canvas along with specialized tools like palette knives and easels to create their artwork. 

The choice of materials depends on the artist’s preferred medium, technique, and artistic vision.

Moreover, popular art supply brands also rely on quality manufacturers.

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